Why do capital punishment for rape convicts do no shit?

It ain’t a solution, it’s a fucking excuse.

Alan Sebastian George
4 min readNov 30, 2019

It’s truly mind-numbing to know that such an incident occurred in our country. The thing is that posting status, blaming the govt, cursing India and all do shit. Cause I’ve done it. We all have done it before. And here we are. Barking at one another at a different incident.

The real thing is what we can do as individuals? What we can do as students, workers, jobless or kids and what should we do to avoid these in the future is to be discussed.

Assigning capital punishments for rape is not a solution. I still don’t understand why people say to give capital punishments for this. Like that will solve anything. The thing is trying to understand the nature of the crime, especially the mindsets of the people, the convicts. Cause from a general perspective I come to speculate that most of them have 0 background of a criminal offence. So what happens to these people, people with wives, sisters, and daughters, to do such a heinous crime? Well, think about it.

Cause who knows who’s next, the next victim, or the next villain for the next story.

So what, do I have a solution?
Nope, I don’t think so. But I sure do have a part of it, or at least I think I know what the root cause of the problem is, and nope, it isn’t the governments' fault.

Sorry to rule out the only option that everyone opts for cause it’s easy and so divergent that no one has the blame at the end.

I think its complete blame belongs to the crazy society. And who is society? The convicts' parents, grandparents, siblings, cousins, neighbours, friends etc. You might ask why you ask, what the hell did they do. Well, cause they are the trendsetters. They set the general standards and rules of others. Every person not living by it, and if anything happens to them, it's on them.

But what they fail to see is that setting the rule, so little as “A girl shouldn’t be out at night”, creates all this freak show we are seeing. The butterfly effect may we call it too.

So women at night? Obviously, she might be a prostitute right? Women alone in an area, all by herself, a chance to score right?
See when we make rules like this, think about the ones who cannot fall in line with it, it makes them be seen as outcasts or something, I don't know. What people don’t see is their commitments, their part of the contribution to run the family.

So if you want to really fight for them, if you want to get them true justice, win at places where they lost. Do the things those women couldn’t complete. Stay at night, work, hang out, go for a movie, it's your life. Do what is right, no matter if it breaks these wheels of society. If they come to mess up with you, don’t give a damn. Fight for those who cannot fight for themselves too.

Some people will say nights are not safe especially for women. So people don’t go out at night. So those who go, are seen as opportunities for others.

So if you want to protest, protest at night.

The current government and police departments instructions are crazy.

It’s like 'When I lift my arm, it pains’, so they are like 'So don’t lift your arm' is their solution. Their fucking solution.

It ain’t a solution, it’s a fucking lame excuse so that they don’t have to do their jobs.

What they do is instruct girls and women hostels to close in on the curfew time at around 6:30 pm. That woman should be at home by the end of the day. What they should actually do is set up more night patrols.

What we should do is go out when we feel like it. Thus more people will be outside at night. Thus all this cliche about the nightlife can be made absurd.

On another note, it is important to understand that the mistakes of very few are not to be a generalized classification. Crimes are persisting everywhere over the world, and if you haven’t noticed, India is a very big country with the 2nd largest population. So the number of crimes per country may be high, but the number of crimes per population density is less than many other countries.

What I am trying to say is that calling Indians, Rapers; the Country of raping; is absurd. The crime exists, I am not saying otherwise. But don’t let emotions cloud your judgments.

Capital punishments mean we kill off the person. But just think what do people with a lot of regrets do? They try to end their lives. Why? Cause that’s an escape, a shortcut for all the pain. And when we give it to these people, I believe their lies are the true injustice. Also taking a life, for whatever reason, is not right.



Alan Sebastian George

Founder, TinkerHub MEC; Chief Marketing Officer, IEDC MEC; Millennium Fellow; International Chair, RCCH; MECian;